Healthcare Plan | Ash Tree Veterinary Centre
Healthcare Plan Sign Up

The Ash Tree Vets Healthcare Plan is a super way to help you budget monthly by direct debit and save money, whilst ensuring your pet receives the best in preventative health care.

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The Ash Tree Vets Healthcare Plan is a super way to help you budget monthly by direct debit and save money, whilst ensuring your pet receives the best in preventative health care. SIGN UP NOW


Puppies and kittens joining the plan will receive a fantastic £45 discount off their Best Start Package. Click bellow to know more.

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Included in the plan:

  • Annual vaccinations
  • Twice yearly FREE health checks with a Vet
  • Year round worming
  • Year round flea and tick prevention
  • Nurse Clinics
  • 10% off neutering
  • 10% off all food
  • 10% off Dental work
  • 10% off Rabies vaccinations
  • 10% off Kennel Cough vaccinations
  • 15% off specific Long term medications

Save money while having proper healthcare for your pet!

Sign up NOW

Price of Plan for 2025 (Fully grown weight):

Monthly Charge Minimum annual SAVINGS
Small Dog  (up to 10Kg) £15.50 at least £52
Medium Dog (10-25Kg) £17 at least £71
Large Dog (25-40Kg) £18 at least £94
Giant Dog (over 40Kg) £23 at least £199
Cat £16 at least £80

The Healthcare Plan is designed to save you money, and spread the cost of your pets’ preventative healthcare over the course of a year. To qualify for these discounts, you must be a member of our Healthcare Plan for 12 months, and make 12 consecutive direct debit payments. If you choose to leave the plan before you have made these payments, you will be liable for any differences in cost between the discounted goods and services you have received, and their normal non-discounted value. In the event that this occurs, this balance will be due upon cancellation of the plan. If, like many of our customers, you wish to continue to benefit from the plan over subsequent years, the same terms apply; you will need to make another 12 consecutive direct debit payments. This is in accordance with the clauses printed on the reverse of the agreement signed when the Healthcare plan is started.

Save money while having proper healthcare for your pet!

Sign up NOW