A Marathon And A Half – Literally!! | Ash Tree Veterinary Centre
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A Marathon And A Half – Literally!!

By Ash Tree Vets | 9th January 2019

Many of you will have met Bill, one of our Vets and a founder of the practice. This year he will be taking part in the London Marathon to help raise money for The Guide Dogs. If this wasn’t enough, he will also be running for the same cause in the London Landmarks Half Marathon on 24th March, just five weeks before the full London Marathon on 28th April!

Bill’s story:

“ I have worked with guide dogs throughout my career as a Vet and have always been touched by the magical relationship they have with their owners; not only are they a life changing aid but the dogs in question have a wonderful and fulfilling life.

I have only been running a couple of years so this will not be all that easy for me, but I am determined to do my best!! Please help me by supporting this wonderful cause. Thank you.”


If you would like to sponsor Bill, and help him reach his target of £2,500 for this fantastic cause, please click here to donate online, or you can make a cash donation next time you’re at the practice.


Good luck Bill!