Easter is fast approaching | Ash Tree Veterinary Centre
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Easter is fast approaching

By Ash Tree Vets | 20th February 2018

Happy Easter to all our clients and their pets!

An early Easter for 2018 brings with it warmer days (hopefully!) and new beginnings. However you choose to celebrate Easter, it is a time of year that for many, conjures up images of daffodils, baby bunnies and of course chocolate! For Vets, this time of year often brings with it some challenges at the practice, as chocolate, daffodil bulbs and dried fruit in foods such as hot cross buns are all poisonous to dogs if eaten. If intervention is prompt following the ingestion of any of these poisons, the outcome is generally a good one.  If you suspect your four legged friend has helped themselves to any Easter treats, please seek veterinary advice immediately.

Brilliant news for Easter bunnies! A new vaccination is available at Ash Tree Vets which protects rabbits against a newly emerging and deadly strain of Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD). Historically vets were only able to protect rabbits against Myxamotosis and one strain of VHD, but thanks to new research and a new vaccine, our pet rabbits are safer than ever before. Call us or visit our website to find out more.