Laser Therapy – Discounted for Healthcare Plan Members | Ash Tree Veterinary Centre
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Laser Therapy – Discounted for Healthcare Plan Members

By Ash Tree Vets | 4th September 2019

Get your pet back to their best with the help of Laser Therapy

This fantastic piece of state of the art equipment has already proved a huge success for our patients who have been attending sessions; one of which has now been nick named “Mrs Usain Bolt” by her owner who was so surprised and thrilled to “see her running around at 100 miles an hour again” after attending sessions for treatment of her painful elbows.

We’re selighted to announce that members of our Healthcare Plan now receive a fantastic 15% discount on all Laser Therapy Sessions.

Laser therapy has been proven to aid in reduction of pain and swelling for numerous condition and is non-invasive, pain free and safe. We have found that the treatment is very well tolerated by a variety of patients, and most appear to really enjoy the sessions; one of our lovely patients even falls asleep during her sessions for her back pain.

Does your pet suffer from any of the following conditions?


Back pain

Elbow pain

Hip pain

Sprains / strains

Poor performance in agility / working dogs

Skin disorders

Then Laser Therapy might be just the thing for them…

Laser therapy can also be used safely alongside other treatments, such as oral pain medications, hydrotherapy, acupuncture and physiotherapy.

Your pet does not need to be sedated and no hair needs to be clipped in order for the therapy to commence. You can also be with your pet throughout the session.

Our treatment plans are tailor made for your pet by one of our experienced Veterinary Surgeons. The Laser Therapy is then carried out by our team of Registered Qualified Veterinary Nurses.

If you think Laser Therapy might help your pet, please get in touch today on 01638 554477.