Lockdown number three is here, and so are we! | Ash Tree Veterinary Centre
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Lockdown number three is here, and so are we!

By Ash Tree Vets | 7th January 2021

Thank you so much to all our lovely clients who have so willingly adapted to our new and ever-changing ways of working; and of course thank you to our wonderful team for their continued ingenuity, incredible hard work and good humour in these unprecedented times!


We’re open to provide essential services to your pets…


  • We are open Monday – Friday 8.30am to 6:00pm, and Saturday mornings from 8:30am to 12 midday.
  • We are offering telemedicine consultations and medications to all of our clients.
  • We can see urgent and emergency cases in person. Clients are advised to stay in their car at all times.
  • We can offer vaccination appointments to puppies and kittens and some more urgent booster vaccinations. Please call us to find out more.
  • Urgent operations and diagnostic procedures will be still performed to the highest standard.

At this time we cannot allow any clients into the building for appointments of any type, and are working hard to minimise the need for anyone to come into the waiting area at all. When you arrive for an appointment or to collect medication or food, please call us on 01638 554477.

We’re operating a call and collect service for all medications, parasite control and food.

Our vets will see you where necessary for a COVID SAFE appointment. They will invite your pet into the building whilst leaving you safe in your car.

To allow for a COVID SAFE working environment we are working in different ways to normal. It may therefore take us a little longer to answer your calls or to respond to emails. We thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we’re working hard to keep everyone safe, and your pets healthy.

If you’d prefer to contact us by email for any non urgent queries or repeat prescription requests you can do so via reception@ashtreevets.com 

Thank you all for being patient and kind.

Please all stay safe and wherever possible stay at home to support our NHS!!