Pain Clinics | Ash Tree Veterinary Centre
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Pain Clinics

By Ash Tree Vets | 4th October 2022

Do you have a dog or cat that suffers from chronic pain? Maybe you think they are just “getting old”, or they have been diagnosed with arthritis or can no longer get up and down the stairs or onto the sofa or into the car? We now have an opportunity to explore an holistic approach to our pet’s discomfort , from medications, to class IV laser therapy, to massage therapy and techniques we can put into place in the home. Our pain clinics are run by Veterinary Nurse Sam who has always had a keen interest in the most up to date treatments we have available to keep our pets as comfortable as possible. If you have already spoken to one of our vets, and are keen to explore the next options please give us a call 01638554477 to find out more.