Update to our Services | Ash Tree Veterinary Centre
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Update to our Services

By Ash Tree Vets | 9th May 2022

We’re getting in touch to let you know about some improvements we are making to our facilities and services at the practice.

If you’ve visited us recently you will have noticed we’re undertaking some building work, the third project since we opened from our humble beginnings in 2011. This project means that soon we will be opening some additional consultation and treatment rooms, as well as an improved laboratory and pharmacy, meaning not only will we be able to hold more stock and carry out more laboratory procedures, we can also offer more appointments with our fabulous team for your pets.

As well as improving our facilities at the practice, we always strive to ensure our patients can access the very best healthcare at any time of the day or night.

As part of our improvements to the practice we’re delighted to announce that we have forged a new relationship with an excellent local 24 hour pet hospital Swayne and Partners in Bury St Edmunds. So, in the unfortunate event that your pet becomes unwell after our surgery has closed, or you need to speak to a veterinary professional for advice, they will be on hand and ready to see you at their fantastic new facility just off the A14 in Bury St Edmunds, less than 15 minutes from Ash Tree.
Any patient that is admitted to our wards following a consultation or procedure during the week will still be hospitalised at Ash Tree Vets, and if it is necessary for them to stay overnight they will be cared for on-site by our team of Vets and Nurses.